Mountain Bike Kreiscup in Westallgäu Enters the Next Round


Following the opening event in Scheidegg in early June, the Harter Mountain Bike Kreiscup moves into its second round this weekend. A quick recap: During the 20-year-old competition’s opening event, hosted by the Lindau Sports District, conditions were anything but ideal. Heavy rainfall, which caused flooding in many areas, also significantly affected the course.

Despite this, a total of 144 participants of all age groups entered the race, dealing with muddy sections along the way.

What Will the Conditions Be Like for the Second Kreiscup Race?

The weather leading up to the second of five events, which takes place around the sports grounds between Simmerberg and Ellhofen, has somewhat stabilized. However, more rain is forecast for this week. It remains to be seen how the course conditions will evolve by Sunday when the Outdoor Department of the Simmerberg Sports Association (SG) calls on young cyclists to race.

The youngest participants in the U7 age group will kick off at 10 AM. “Each starting group will have different numbers of laps and difficulty levels to complete,” explains the Simmerberg club regarding the format. Participants can register on-site on race day until 9 AM, and they can also inspect the course shortly before the start. Spectators have the opportunity to watch the event up close, and refreshments will be available.

After a slightly longer break, the Kreiscup will continue quickly following the race between Simmerberg and Ellhofen: Just one week later, on Sunday, July 14, the third round of the competition will take place. The TSV Niederstaufen will host this event at the sports grounds. According to an announcement, the club expects around 140 participants. The race will start at 11 AM, with the courses remaining the same as last year and reportedly “well-prepared.”