Mountain Bike Rally Amidst Stunning Landscapes Between Aritzo and Desulo


After the prologue on August 28 in Aritzo, the first stage of the Rally di Sardegna MTB will take place on Thursday, the 29th, starting and finishing in Desulo. This leg covers a total distance of 70.7 km with a positive elevation gain of 2,158 meters.

Athletes will be embraced by ancient forests, an immense green expanse stretching between Desulo and Tonara, characterized by dirt tracks (the first of which appears after 4 km) interspersed with brief stretches of concrete and asphalt. The course features alternating descents and climbs, the most challenging of which has an average gradient of 8% and spans 3 kilometers.

After reaching the picturesque Passo di Tascusì, the second-highest car pass in Sardinia, and a brief segment on the provincial road, the route ascends towards the peaks of Gennargentu. The path becomes a dirt track towards Punta Paulinu, situated at about 1700 meters above sea level. This is the peak of the day from which a long descent towards Girgini begins. However, challenges are always around the corner, and the Rally di Sardegna participants will face another climb of approximately 5 kilometers, followed by a wide descent and a final uphill stretch that brings the cyclists back to the starting point in the heart of Desulo.

The route designed for the first day of the Rally di Sardegna MTB offers a variety of landscapes and terrains, making the competition both an athletic challenge and a visually immersive experience in the extraordinary nature of Sardinia.

The event, promoted by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, is organized by Wild Track, under the auspices of the International Cycling Union (UCI) and the Italian Cycling Federation (FCI), with the support and sponsorship of the municipalities of Aritzo, Desulo, and Seulo.